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What is Pomerium?

Pomerium is an identity-aware proxy that enables secure access to internal applications. Pomerium provides a standardized interface to add access control to applications regardless of whether the application itself has authorization or authentication baked-in. Pomerium gateways both internal and external requests, and can be used in situations where you'd typically reach for a VPN.

What does Pomerium do?

Pomerium can be used to:

  • authenticate: provide a single-sign-on and verifiable user identity to internal applications
  • authorize: enforce dynamic access policy based on context, identity, and device identity
  • audit: aggregate access logs and telemetry data
  • perform delegated user authorization for service-based authorization systems
  • add unified access and identity to custom, on-prem, and hosted apps and services
  • serve as a VPN alternative
  • manage device identity
  • consistently enforce other checks specified by your access policies

Demo of Pomerium

Still feel too abstract? Hate text? Check out a two minute explainer demo of Pomerium.

Set up Pomerium in under 5 minutes

There are several ways to install Pomerium Enterprise to suit your organization's needs. We provide open-source Pomerium and Pomerium Enterprise as deb and rpm packages from an upstream repository, as Docker images, and as Helm charts. You can also build Pomerium from source.